We encourage contributions from interested researchers on all topics related to the French of Outremer.
Authors may submit essays of approximately 1000 words on any aspect of the French of Outremer, following the style guidelines established by the Medieval Academy of America. Contributions will be peer-reviewed, and authors should expect a response to their submissions within 6-8 weeks.
Current French of Outremer Essays Include:
Bogdan Smarandache and Carol Symes, "Discourse on "French of Outremer" Terminologies.
Nicholas Paul, "The Emergence of a Francophone Culture in the East: an Overview."
Jeffrey Sullebarger, "The Teutonic Order in Outremer."
Pierre-Vincent Claverie, "Frankish Epigraphy."
Louisa Foroughi, "Translation in the Latin East: Antioch, Acre, and Cyprus"
More essays to follow